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It’s New Year’s Day 2020 and the internet is flooded with videos and blogs giving you insights and tools into setting your goals for the year.  ‘New Year Resolutions’ maybe.

I’m all for setting our intention to determine our path to our success but today I’m interested in looking back at 2019.  One of the main aspects of progression is to review what you did and how it worked.

How did 2019 go for you?

Did you get everything done you wanted to do – did you achieve your goals you set this time last year?

If not – how come?

If you woke up on 1st January 2019 and set your goals, had loads of determination and were positive that you were going to achieve them – and then didn’t – what got in the way?

I don’t want you to repeat that pattern.

It’s true you have to set a clearly defined vision and you have to know your why – you have to get in touch with the reason you want a certain thing and you have to review it and feel it every day.  Let’s be honest, changing your behaviour is hard.  Your goal has to be compelling enough to pull you through the tough times – the times when you want to say “hey I can’t be bothered today, or it’s too difficult, I can’t do this”, and there will be those days.

Most people will manage to do something different for around a fortnight and then something happens to change their determination but it’s said that in order to change a behaviour you have to do the new behaviour at least 40 times.  Most people don’t get that far.

Usually, it’s because it’s difficult – if it were easy we wouldn’t have to spend so much time on how to do it.  But why is it so hard?  It’s because in order to do something different we have to get out of our comfort zone, and we like being comfortable.  In order to change our life, we are going to have to do something which is difficult, scary or uncomfortable and we want to feel comfortable in our motivation.  And that’s never going to happen.

Your subconscious brain is designed to stop you doing things which are difficult, scary or uncomfortable.  Its intention is to keep you safe.  So, you need the courage to change and that applies whether you want to lose a few pounds or scale the face of a mountain.

Transforming your sub-conscious blocks and finding your courage is the way to change.

If you’d like to have a chat about how you can achieve the goals you’ve set for 2020, book a Discovery Session by clicking the link below.

I wish you a successful and prosperous 2020 full of achievement and joy.

To find out more watch the video.


Book a Discovery Session